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- How to set up your KDR-I (Adjust the Yarn Guide)

- Understanding your Machine and Troubleshooting the Scissor Closure

- How to change from Cut to Loop and Loop to Cut (EASY Method)

- How Change from Cut to Loop and Loop to Cut (HARD Method) - This method allows for cleaning and troubleshooting various part of the gun. Recommended after having your KDR-I for awhile.

- How to change the pile height

- Troubleshooting

Why the KDR-I?

I get asked this question a lot. Why pick the 2021 KDR-I over the ZQ-II that has the same functions?The KDR-I is by far a better machine in my books and here is why!

1. First, it does not have moving parts on the sides of the machine. I prefer this because there is less chance of yarn getting snagged in a piece on the side. 

2. It's lighter! It is 2.0kgs as opposed to 2.5kgs

3. Less exposed moving parts means a better machine as there is less chance of the parts being bumped or broken.

4. It has built in Speed Control. However now my ZQ-IIs do as well.

5. The trigger is smooth and easy to hold down. Also because of it's setup it's less prone to breaking.

Is there anything I need to be aware of when buying a KDR-I?

*This machine requires more frequent oiling than most guns*

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